Remote viewing with Russell Targ, Physicist/Author and Co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute for Psychic Abilities for the CIA
Electronic Voice Phenomena with Tom & Lisa Butler - Authors and leaders of AA-EVP - experts in Electronic Voice Phenomena
Energy Healing with Barbara Brennan - Physicist/Author/Energy Worker
Mediumship with Tony Stockwell-Internationally known Pyschic Medium.
Mediumship with James van Praagh - Internationally known Medium/Author
Mediumship with Eamon Downey - Internationally known Medium from the UK
Kinesiology with Dian Freeman - Clinical Nutritionist /Ondamed Frequency Biofeedback
Puzzle Art Therapy with Alli Berman is an integrated holistic system. Develop better focus, work on memory, and improve your ability to think outside the box.
The Puzzle Art Therapy System is now used by neuropsychologists, brain trauma professionals, vision therapists, occupational therapists, art therapists and other specialists in 13 countries.
Hypnotherapy with George Bein - Internationally known Hypnotherapist
Reiki 1-2-3 with Janet Howe - Reiki Master Teacher
Healing and Mediumship/working w/crystals with Akeeya - Nationally known Psychic Medium
Usi*Tibetan*Huna*Blue Doulphin*Kunalini*Kabbalah*Shaman Energy Activation *Shaman Power* Fusion*
Uhane nui*Kahuna*Aloha* Source-L